Since fall was on hold for a few days we decided to join our friends E, A, and their mommy at Nockamixon State Park for a jaunt around the Sterner's Mill Trail. This is the only trail in the park that is strictly for hikers - no horses - but hunting is permitted in the area so be sure to wear your orange if you go during hunting season.

I love the way this trail winds through the woods and over a very quaint little bridge (that the children love to play on of course) down to the lake. Once you reach the lake which is the perfect place to rest and snack, the trail continues along the lake for a short while and then pops you into this awesome hemlock forest. It reminds me of the woods in Norway and trolls. The first time Z and I hiked the trail we looked all over for trolls but didn't find any!

It was a lovely day and the children enjoyed themselves. Our two youngest hikers enjoyed riding and even walked themselves for some of this hike. While many of the leaves were just starting to change there was plenty of color to keep us in awe.

I think the children would tell you the best part of this hike is the abandoned picnic pavilion at the end. They all ran around for nearly an hour playing under the pavilion. It was a stage, a field, and so much more.