It has long been a tradition in my family to hike on Thanksgiving morning. I can remember being dragged out to various state and local parks in Central Pennsylvania in rainy, cold, dreary weather by my grandmother during much of my childhood. This year my mother and I both thought it was time to revive that tradition. So my brother's family, my mother and stepfather, and my children and I all met at French Creek State Park for a short hike before visiting the very same aforementioned grandmother (and grandfather) at their assisted living facility.
As tradition would have it, it was a wet, cold, dreary morning. My brother who frequents French Creek on his mountain bike and for hikes chose the trail. Despite the weather we all had a wonderful time especially Z and his cousin, C, who spent the whole hike playing with Papou. A is holding her own on many of our hikes now and complains if I try to put her in the backpack. We've been choosing simpler hikes for her so that she can join in the fun.
Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving and spent some time outdoors!