Last month we met at Ringing Rocks but someone forgot her camera so on our first documented hike after our break we had a delightful hike at the
Peace Valley Park Nature Center. Frogs, worms, and a rocketship tree were just a few of the highlights of our adventures.

Z, A, R, and I hadn't managed to make it to the park before last weekend to explore the trails so we just followed the children's lead (most of the time) and wandered through the woods in search of the Pooh Tree. Along the way we encountered some deer, a pond full of frogs, one frog in particular who probaby wished he was a little faster, lots of worms, raspberries, wineberries, and lots of beautiful sights.

When we arrived at the Pooh Tree, the children immediately decided it was a rocketship and were searching for the button to make it blast off. Since it was a very hot day and there was a nice breeze, a bench, and shade, the adults on the hike relaxed for a short time while the children explored the tree and its surroundings.

Eventually, some of the explorers ventured up the dry creek bed beside the tree in search of worms and other creatures. They were very successful in that endeavor and came back with handfuls of worms. After convincing those same collectors, that they couldn't take the worms with them and finding suitable places to leave the worms, we started back to the parking area.

"The hike isn't over yet is it?" was heard several times as we neared the end of the trails. Sadly, it was the end of a very lovely day but there are other days ahead. Hope to see you next on Saturday, August 21 at Green Lane Park. Get outdoors!